So there are only a handful of hours remaining in 2013 where I am located. And the end of this year could not come fast enough. Some things have been great, but some things have been so awful I just want to run away from them as fast as possible.
Good things:
8 tattoos that I absolutely love.
My weight loss and improved health and fitness.
My Angel suspension in July. (Even if some friends think that's completely fucked up.)
New friendships, and deeper connections with older friends.
Learning how to make snicker doodles.
The Doctor Who 50th anniversary special(s).
My community service was in a Franciscan monastery.
Shit things:
My brother getting arrested after threatening to kill my mother and her dog and a whole bunch of other offenses.
Losing so much time due to headaches and illness even as I get healthier over all.
My husband getting arrested after swearing to me he'd been sober for over a year.
My child deciding green food is poison.
Multiple stray cats being hit by cars on the road in front of our house.
Not getting the promotion I've worked so hard for over the last several months, even though I clearly deserved it.
Being removed from the lives of some people I cared deeply for, because the feeling was not reciprocated.
I'm sure I could add much more to both lists, but that's pretty much where I'm at right now. My plan is to start 2014 with a walk-in tattoo by the artist who did the roses on my chest oh so many years ago. She's doing snowflake and mandala pieces tomorrow and I intend to be there at least an hour early to make sure I get in and can pick something wonderful. Maybe honey bee related. Or with lots of circles to reference my hooping.
And I'm probably going to cut down one or both of my polypro hoops because I just feel like 40" is too big anymore.
Might do a 30 day "on body only" hooping challenge to work on posture, balance and core strength.
I will continue to do planks as I think of them.
I will continue to be a good friend and family member.
I will continue to love my daughter with abandonment.
I will try to make more art.
I will try to help my community more.
I will NOT make any resolutions.
I will be kinder to myself.
Happy New Year.
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