Time to take time off

And once again, just in time for me to have bills piling up and overdue, and my emotions a wreck and needing to be soothed, just in time to start the hard work of getting through my stupid probation issue, just in time... I get my period.

Sometimes I really hate being a woman in my "childbearing years." Especially since I don't intend to have any more than the Wildflower Child. I can't afford to take this time off of the cam site since my paid time has been so low lately. This simply sucks.

After I had my daughter, I was period free for 14 months. I wept like you would not believe the first time it came back. Like ugly sobbing. I'm in no rush to start menopause, but I sure didn't mind not having this happen every 26 to 27 days. Plus I just get so damn worn out. I could sleep for a week, I swear.

So besides the fun physical stuff going on, tonight on the ride to work, my hubby asked me if the corporation he works for asked him to move to Canada, would he be able to say yes with my blessing?


I have friends or family in virtually every region of the United States. But I have no ties in Canada.

Would the cats be able to come? What would we do about citizenship? Would I be able to travel to see people easily? What would I do? In general, what would I do?

I have to think about this. And considering I've personally never been west of the Mississippi River, I feel like there is so much here I haven't done yet.

I don't know.

In other news, before we got in the car and had this conversation, my supportive Hubby (he had a great day today and it shows) told me I should get online and get my "fuck on" with good members tonight. Which was so sweet I burst out laughing.

Then I got my goddamn period.


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