Storm of the Century? Or just a tease?

So I'm really pissed that it stopped snowing about an hour ago. I was really hoping for a three day weekend from the telemarketing gig. When I got up this morning it was snowing nice and heavy, but nothing stuck, and now, when I should be thinking about getting ready for work, there is absolutely nothing falling from the sky, but  my hopes for a good reason to call out. Since my license is currently suspended (FML), the Hubby and Wildflower Child have to bring me to work and I do not want to risk putting her in the car during inclement weather. So snow for fuck's sake so I can call out and focus on getting my groove on tonight!

Speaking of, this week is turning out to be a little better than last week. Not so great on the cam model site, but I did get a Skype session that paid for some of the lingerie I've purchased in the last week. Also had a delightful conversation last night with a special friend that leaves me to believe I will have a wonderful week next week.

I am thinking about being completely corny and decorating my performance space next week as Valentine's Day silly, for the entire week. I haven't completely committed one way or the other, but I saw that Dollar General now takes PayPal and might be a good place to get a ton of kitschy decor and really set the place up obnoxiously. And since I do have pink and white lingerie on the way to me, and I already own red panties, I should be able to do something totally over the top love shack style.

Life is funny. I've been chatting with one of my friends through the modeling and we have so much in common including the state we are from, our age, our likes and dislikes, family situations... At multiple times throughout our lives our paths could have crossed, but they didn't, until now, until I started on the cam site. And this works, but it is just odd how the universe operates sometimes. Makes me feel small and insignificant, but also okay and content with what I have in some things.

It still isn't fucking snowing.

I should check the laundry and start thinking about putting clothes on. Also I'm going to give myself a coffee grounds face and body scrub. Seems weird, but that shit actually works. I didn't wear foundation all day yesterday until I went online. It is messy, but it works. Coffee grounds and honey, apply with hands, scrub slightly, rinse off. Works everywhere.

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