In case you haven't noticed from previous posts, or this is your first time reading me, I'm a chronic overshare-er. Like, I'll meet you, and immediately share my deepest darkest, not-so secrets. So when I got to work last night and my manager came over and asked how I was doing, I replied chipperly "I've had mono!" And the branch manager overheard from his office.
I tried to explain that they don't know when I got it, that I'm not contagious, that I could let them listen to the nurse's voicemail on my phone, but it was over. I got sent home with orders to get a note from my doctor's office that would allow me to come back to the office.
I should say that the reason behind my blurting this out was basically my deep relief that I don't have Lupus or Lyme disease or adrenal disfunction, because those were all things for which I was tested. I've been getting more and more exhausted for months and it was getting fucking scary! So honestly, mono is like the best option. Also, I'm on the road to (a long) recovery. So that's Happy Happy Joy Joy news!
Anyway, I called my clinic before I even left the parking lot last night, left a message.
Called again when I dragged my pathetic butt out of bed at 10:30am, left another message.
By 1:00pm I was thinking "huh, guess I get another night 'off.'" and was thinking about what to cook for dinner. (Curried ginger carrot soup or lentil soup? Both are rather quick and easy and have healing ingredients, but the wildflower child didn't like how "spicy" the ginger in the carrot soup is so told me to make lentil.) Just as I started to relax into the idea that I wouldn't have to rush, my phone rang and it was the clinic telling me I can get my letter. CRAP! I had to run and get us both dressed-ish, drive over the to the clinic, get home, quick chop a fuck-ton of veggies and put the soup on, get my shower, get dressed, finish the soup, eat some soup, and go to work.
This was not relaxing. This is very hard in my current condition. This essentially sucked on a cosmic level. But I made it. I even got into work on time (for me, which is 15 minutes early) with my letter in hand. Where I received some advice from my manager to not discuss health issues in public, and if I feel like shit to lie and smile.
So here's to smiling through the pain and lying through my teeth, and hopefully, feeling more like myself very soon.
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